Wednesday, May 4, 2011


First piece 2011. I did some sketches, finally settled on a pose and happily painted away. But I stopped no less then 3 times and thought to myself: No this is not what I had in mind. This doesn't say "ZOMBIE" to me. It was all too nice, too slick, without meaning and because of the color you couldn't clearly read the head when I reduced the pic to a thumbnail (important for covers).

I mean think of it: Zombies are always outside, night and day, sun and rain. Their clothes get bleached by the daylight, their skin will be swollen by rain and dried by the sun. These creatues won't look nice after awhile. In the end I used an earlier sketch and finished this instead of the others. It's rough, raw, dirty and ugly - like a Zombie should be.

I had the idea to put "it" in a dirndl because of the comicbookseries DIE TOTEN from Zwerchfell. All the stories of this series play in Germany, so the cover always displays something typical from Germany. What is more typically German than something straight from the Oktoberfest? Yup, I thought the same.

*Early Sketches


*Final Image

Friday, January 7, 2011


2010 for me was mostly: theory. Theory of colors, theory of painting, theory, theory, theory. I've read 'Alla prima' from Robert Schmidt, books about marketing and more. I've watched all downloadable classes from and most downloadable Tutorials. I collected an awful amount of art from the internet. Now I understand why the old masters are the old masters.

I was like a dry sponge and soaked everything in. Now I'm so full of knowledge I have to practice what I've learned. And I'm eager to do it.

PLUS: Next month I will move to a bigger city. Yay.